Moghal Brothers - Cooling Tower and PVC Fills Specialist.

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  • Moghal Brothers

    Moghal Brothers® is a leading full-line, full-service cooling tower, PVC Fills and FRP products manufacturer. We offer new cooling towers, major rebuilding, overhauling and inspection services. We manufacture and install field erected industrial cooling towers around the country.

    Our cooling tower models include large industrial cooling towers from 150 tons to 1,000 tons in both counter flow and cross flow configurations.

    Our FRP products includes corrugated sheets, electric distribution boards, doors, models, swings, dustbins and all kind of shades.

    Counterflow Film Fill Tower
    The Counterflow film fill cooling tower is the design most frequently specified by purchasers. Lower capital cost, generally lower evaluated operating cost, the Counterflow film fill tower uses high efficiency PVC film fill. Intended for industrial applications where water quality is controlled, the Counterflow film fill tower provides a low profile robust design, ease of maintenance for long life and ease of operation for minimal operator attention. Available in a various flow rates and fills.

    Upgrade Existing Counterflow Tower
    Expansions, debottlenecking or increased demand for cooling requires more from your cooling tower. The easiest of tower designs to upgrade, counterflow towers can generally accept additional cooling capacity. Addition of high efficiency fills and drift elminators, modern mechanical equipment and improved water distribution can individually or collectively provide the solution you require. Contact us for an evaluation of your current conditions and upgrade potential.

    Crossflow Splash Fill Tower
    The crossflow splash fill cooling tower utilizes open pan hot water distribution and crosscurrent air / water contact. Like the counterflow splash fill tower, this is best suited for applications where water quality is not controlled. Generally rated as higher capital and operating cost, this selection is best suited for special applications. Available in a various flow rates and fills.

    Upgrade Existing Crossflow Tower
    Expansions, de-bottlenecking or increased demand for cooling requires more from your cooling tower. Although upgrade may not be as cost effective as the counterflow design, improvements are possible. Fill replacement, addition of high efficiency film fill, drift eliminator replacement and mechanical upgrade are all available for consideration. Contact us for an evaluation of your current conditions and upgrade potential.